Updates? H7S updates? H9S/HXS?

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Joined: Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:34 am

Updates? H7S updates? H9S/HXS?

Postby xphen0m » Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:20 pm

Is there any updates on any possibly updates for H7S? Specifically the palm muting lengths and the sound of the lower notes (the flub sound)?

Is the new metal guitar library (Heavier9Strings or HeavierXStrings?) even still in development at this point?
Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:11 am

Re: Updates? H7S updates? H9S/HXS?

Postby DavidsonCuba » Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:24 am

I dream of the day that TBTH can and wants to resume HS7 either with an update or another virtual guitar... both options would be great... Despite the time, HS7 is still without a doubt one of the best, if not THE BEST virtual guitar, just a few small details to improve so that it borders on perfection

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