I have some ideas for improvements:
1. Add a colored dot and arrows to the previous / next filter dot on the screen for easy visual connection (on the EQ settings bar below, as on attached images 2 and 3)
2. Add in the EQ point drop-down filter menu more functions:
Types >
+ Copy
+ Paste
+ Invert >
---- Horizontal
---- Vertical
+ Split (Add EQs) >
---- to two same L + R (L + R)
---- one to L and one to R (L / R)
---- one to Mid and one to Side (M / S)
+ Transform Box (idea for future and detailed commenting with many useful features)
3. When the mouse is at the EQ point, the different types of filters can be changed with Mouse Scroll Up / Down + Second key.
It will also be appropriate if only filters with the same criteria are changed, for example:
=> Bell => Sword => Type E / G => British N => EQ250 => Vintage Tube =>
=> Shelf => High Pass => Type E / G => British N => EQ250 => Vintage Tube => Tone Stack => Misk LowHP =>
=> Shelf => Low Pass => Type E / G => British N => EQ250 => Vintage Tube => Tone Stack => Misk LowLP =>
=> Notch Flat => Top Band Pass =>
=> Tilt Shelf => Flat Tick =>
=> Misc AllPass L => Misc AllPass H =>
4. A panel with the name of the preset and its easy replacement and drop down list will be very useful. Such a place can be the place of the logo, as it can disappear when the mouse is over it and become a place for presets and then return when click on spectrogram.
5. In Settings / Theme add Meter Band Gradient with 5/7 (or less) colors to select the gradient.
6. In Settings / Theme to add the ability to tint in color in % of the EQ bar panel (with the parameters of the filters) and under Meters too, to fit perfectly into the color theme as on attached images 2 and 3.
7. In Settings / Theme add Band Color Gradient with 5/7 (or less) colors to select the gradient and for automatic Band color picker.
8. In Settings / Theme after - "output spectrum fill color + top" add "output spectrum fill color bottom" - for making fadeout bottom spectrum color.
And these are previews of some of the graphic proposals:
http://www.iffotogo.com/TBTECH/iFFO-202 ... ras_00.jpg - only my skin is applied
http://www.iffotogo.com/TBTECH/iFFO-202 ... ras_01.jpg - my skin 1 + suggestion
http://www.iffotogo.com/TBTECH/iFFO-202 ... ras_02.jpg - my skin 2 + suggestion