Lurius wrote:admin wrote:rayman wrote:Happy New Year, We have been working hard to develop new products and we will release new products this month!
Will this include HS9 also this month?
Hi, Rayman, H9S will release this year

Excellent!! Any idea if there will be upgrade option for H7S owners? (99% sure I will buy it either way)

I hope, as I told you in past comments, that maybe H7S and HS9 can cohexist...althought if you see HS9 as an step up of HS7, please I suggest check my suggestion more detailed in the forum.
HS7 still is a great great VG library with many good features but need an upgrade about Palm Mute Layers (Almost 3 layers)... Also a rethink about the hammer on/pull of articulations... also I think will be a good solution add in some place a text that shows the current articulation triggered.
I hope HS9 will add this corrections too of course